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Overview of the Community Stewardship Trust

The CST brings together local residents to co-own and steward properties —like affordable housing, grocery stores. or spaces for small businesses and organizations. Its a real estate model that builds community wealth and supports residents to thrive in place.

The Community Stewardship Trust (CST) is a Public Benefit Corporation incubated by us, and owned and governed by community investors (like you). The CST owns commercial and mixed-use properties and transforms those properties into assets to meet the community’s needs.

Surplus income from these properties is distributed in the form of dividends to community investors, and share price is tied to property values. As property values go up, the value of the shares owned by community investors increases too. This ensures wealth stays where it belongs — in the hands of the residents that make these neighborhoods great in the first place.

sign up to invest in the cst

When you sign up to become an investor, you get acess to a secure investment portal to buy shares in the CST, track and receive financial returns, and vote on key decisions affecting the future of these properties. You also get access to ongoing education on cooperative real estate development, personal and community finance, collective governance, and other such topics.

Fill out this form to get on our waitlist. When the investment offering is live in November 2024, we’ll notify you.